Weekend student job where and how to find one

Do you want to combine studies and additional income? Opting for a student job on the weekend turns out to be a wise solution. In addition to allowing you to earn additional income, this experience offers you the opportunity to develop essential skills such as communication or teamwork. Unfortunately, many students struggle to find a job to fill their weekends. This is why we decided to put together this guide to help you quickly land a student job to keep you busy on the weekend.

Align your skills with a job opportunity

The key to landing a weekend student job is aligning your skills with the available job opportunities. It is often easier to find a job that matches your skills or career interests. For example, a student with skills in animal behavior management would be an ideal candidate for pet sitting.

The demand for pet care is constantly increasing in the job market. By demonstrating your expertise in this area, you increase your chances of being hired. However, you also have the opportunity to explore new job sectors, which would allow you to develop new skills.

Register on platforms dedicated to student jobs

With the current development of technology, it is no longer necessary to travel to carry out certain tasks. The Internet offers the possibility of applying for student job offers online. There are a multitude of specialized platforms that can be a boon for you. This is for example the case of:

  • Student Job  ;
  • 1 young person 1 solution;
  • Superprof;
  • Jobaviz, etc.

These are user-friendly platforms that offer easy navigation and provide a variety of job offers for students. However, you can also use general job search platforms such as Indeed or Hello Work.

Connect with other professionals

Networking plays a fundamental role in a professional’s career. So, connect with professionals in your field. These may be students with the same skills as you and already have a weekend student job. Connections with real professionals can also be a real asset for you.

These professionals may know companies or acquaintances looking for part-time workers. They can quickly recommend you to these recruiters who will hire you. But how to establish this connection between professionals and students?

The most basic trick is to talk about your skills to your fellow students, friends, etc. You can also register in job forums where professionals and business owners meet. There are myriads of them online. You can choose one according to your geographical location.

Know what you’re looking for

Of course, you need to know what you’re looking for. We also advise you to opt for remote work or a job near you. With remote jobs, you have the opportunity to work online and independently. Working hours are defined by you and you benefit from great flexibility.

There are many examples of part-time or remote work:

  • Accountability  ;
  • Writing ;
  • Tutoring, etc.

Online sales are currently one of the highest-yielding activities. Opening an online sales business can help you continue your studies while keeping you busy on the weekends. Selling in a grocery store near you is also a weekend job suitable for students.

Create a personal website

Websites are a real way to reach potential customers. Most companies rely on them to increase their customer portfolio. You can do it too. These web platforms do the prospecting or job search for you. You just need to know how to do it and the results are there.

This is the biggest advantage that online visibility offers. Thanks to your website, you can share your know-how with Internet users. Those who are interested in your services can contact you directly. The more visible your site is online, the more you increase your chances of finding a weekend student job.

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