HomeFree CoursesOnline courses the best sites for training free

Online courses the best sites for training free

Coursera, Udemy, EdX: which online course to choose to develop your skills? Read our guide to the best platforms for online training.

Are you looking for a course to train yourself and give a new impetus to your work? You’re in the right place. Find out how to choose the best online courses, even free.

has shown how quickly the job market can change, accelerating the digitalization of many companies and revolutionizing the habits of many professionals. Among its (few) merits, the pandemic has brought out the importance of continuous training and the renewal of skills, especially in a digital way. For about two years the entire world of e-learning has been experiencing a moment of great expansion, and it is no coincidence that according to Forbes the market will reach a value of 325 billion dollars in 2025.

Why take an online course?

Whether you are a young person fresh out of university, still unfamiliar with the world of work, or a person with experience and looking for new stimuli, enriching your skills never hurts. Especially if you can do it for free, an opportunity that many platforms now guarantee.
Words like smart working and agile working are entering everyday vocabulary, so whether you want to improve your English or take a basic IT course, staying up to date is a good idea. Today we are more connected than ever, but to stay there we need the right skills.

Online courses are also accessible remotely and often at any time, a feature that makes them attractive even for those who already have a job. Some also offer the possibility, after taking a practical test or paying an affordable fee, to redeem a certificate that confirms participation.
An extra arrow to add to your bow, given the next job interview.

How to choose the best courses?

If, as we have seen, the online training market is experiencing a period of great growth, an increasingly wider offering of this business risks disorientating users. So how do you choose an online course? If you are reading this article you want to find out which, in our opinion, Jobsubito, are the best sites for training, so here is a short list of our favorites.


One of the best-known platforms with the largest catalog, it offers valid courses from universities all over the world in different languages ​​(mostly in English).
Coursera can also boast the presence of four new courses provided by Google, which aim to train the most sought-after figures in the digital sectors: Data Analyst, Project Management, UX Designer, and IT Support. Google Career Certificates are also aimed at those without experience in these fields, but access through Coursera includes a monthly subscription.


A small jewel, founded by MIT in Boston and Harvard University, which makes resources available to many people who would otherwise be inaccessible. With one click you will experience the thrill of being inside a classroom at Harvard, Berkeley, or Boston universities.

It boasts very high-level collaborations with prestigious universities, and there is no shortage of courses in Italian.
At the end of each course, it is possible to download a certificate certifying its completion, which however is not verified by the platform and the university of origin. To do this you must redeem, therefore pay, even the free courses.

Federica Web-learning

Finally an Italian excellence.
This is the web-learning platform of the Federico II University of Naples which makes high-level training courses available to anyone with free access. From basic mathematics to machine learning, you can access content aimed at college students while challenging yourself with topics as a very curious beginner.


Perhaps the most popular platform in Italy. From foreign languages ​​to design, through guitar courses, Udemy covers all possible needs thanks to a very large catalog, which anyone can rely on sooner or later.
Its peculiarity is precisely that of having a wide range of courses, which is renewed every day thanks to many different teachers. The platform does not issue any certification, but the teachers often have a practical approach to the subject and many courses can be useful for deepening that very topic you felt the need.


Last but not least, say the English. It is an Italian company specializing in digital training, covering topics as diverse as digital marketingweb design, and programming. Without excluding the development of soft skills and topics for everyday work, such as the use of Excel sheets
Lacerba offers structured paths to become digital professionals, but also short courses within everyone’s reach and free of charge. Their strength lies in the clarity and simplicity of the lessons, as well as being 100% made in Italy. It is also possible, in case of doubts, to interact by asking for feedback from the teacher.


Investing time and energy in yourself, and trying to learn something new from scratch, may not be easy. Maybe you will learn something important for your job, maybe a course will help you find a new job (we hope so). Often many topics remain just a hobby, a passion born thanks to a little curiosity and blossomed thanks to the potential of e-learning.
In any case, exploring new horizons, and opening your mind to new scenarios, can only enrich you as a professional and as a person. Do you feel ready for the next step? Well, dive into the world of online training with our tips in mind.


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