HomeScholarshipHow to actually obtain a scholarship in France

How to actually obtain a scholarship in France

Obtaining a scholarship in France offers endless possibilities for an exceptional educational experience and exciting career opportunities. Each year, scholarships for foreign students facilitate international mobility while alleviating the financial burdens associated with studying abroad.

Also, beyond the financial side, these scholarships train an ambitious elite and allow a rich cultural immersion. Whether your aspirations take you towards sciences, arts, engineering, or letters, there is a scholarship tailor-made for your profile. Here are our best tips for getting a scholarship in France.

Know and evaluate your student profile to obtain a scholarship in France

To obtain a scholarship in France, you need to know what you are worth. This is what will allow you to define an effective strategy to better sell yourself to institutions that grant scholarships in France.

Discover your strengths

First start by identifying your greatest strengths. These could be excellent grades obtained in class, competitions you have won or various awards in an association of which you are a member.

This is also the time to shed light on evidence of your leadership or volunteerism. The simple fact of helping your classmates or young students with their revisions can be decisive in obtaining a scholarship in France.

Skills or soft skills such as mastery of English or computer tools should not be neglected either and should appear on your CV.

Recognize your weaknesses 

Getting a scholarship in France involves honestly acknowledging the areas where you need to improve, whether it’s in learning a foreign language or in managing your time.

This way, you will be able to anticipate and acquire certain key skills required for the largest scholarships.

Explore your interests

Depending on your previous studies, a range of new sectors or specialties should be considered for the rest of your academic career. This is the place to select a certain number of them and check if they are open to scholarships in France.

This preliminary exercise will help you work on strengthening your strengths and presenting a competitive file in your scholarship applications, thus bringing you closer to achieving your goal: obtaining a study scholarship in France.

Search and select specific scholarships in France

To find scholarships in France that match your profile and your needs, here is how you can go about it successfully:

Specialized platforms for obtaining a scholarship in France

To obtain a scholarship in France, start by exploring specialized sites such as Campus France, ScholarshipPortal, or Study in France. These platforms are a wealth of information on the different scholarships available.

Also, check the official websites of French universities. They often publish information about specific scholarships for international students. This is a valuable resource for obtaining a scholarship to study in France.

Types of scholarships in France

To obtain a scholarship in France, you need to understand them better.

There are government scholarships such as the prestigious Eiffel Scholarship, university scholarships offered by institutions like Sciences Po or the University of Lyon, and private scholarships such as those from the Orange Foundation or the Renault Foundation.

Eligibility criteria required to obtain a scholarship in France

To obtain a scholarship in France, you must pay attention to the eligibility criteria during your search. The main ones are:

  • Age: Some exchanges have specific age restrictions;
  • Nationality: Some scholarships are reserved for nationals of particular countries;
  • Field of study: Explore scholarships that match your fields of study, whether science, arts, or other disciplines.

The search remains a laborious and quite time-consuming step, but it remains essential to obtain a scholarship in France that perfectly matches your aspirations and your profile.

Prepare the application file to obtain a study grant in France

Carefully preparing your application file is an important step in finding a scholarship in France.

This is where you have the opportunity to present your personality, academic potential, and achievements convincingly. Here’s how to approach this crucial step to maximize your chances:

The necessary documents

When you prepare to obtain a scholarship in France, the documents you gather are the key to catching the attention of the selection or admissions committee.

  • Transcripts: Your transcripts from recent years demonstrate your perseverance and academic progress. You may be asked to provide information for the entire university cycle to judge your level. Now is the time to apply for them if you don’t have them yet.
  • Letters of recommendation: Letters of recommendation indicate your seriousness and diligence. They can be issued by your teachers, employers, internship supervisors, etc.
  • Choose people who can demonstrate your motivation and potential. Anecdotes illustrating your determination and your ability to meet challenges are welcome.
  • Convincing CV: Your CV is what you say about yourself, your background, your experiences, and your skills. Include the experiences that support your selection for the chosen field of study. Your internships, distinctions, and other relevant experiences can show your passion and commitment.
  • Cover letter: When you are preparing to obtain a scholarship in France, your cover letter or statement of intent plays a crucial role. Explain why you chose to continue your studies in France and how the scholarship would help you achieve your academic aspirations. Be specific and convincing.

Academic achievements and skills

Scholarships are often awarded based on merit. Here’s how you can showcase your exceptional potential to get a scholarship in France:

  • High marks: An exceptional average, such as 18/20 in science or literature, testifies to your seriousness and your excellence.
  • Awards and distinctions: If you won a medal in a scientific Olympiad or if you distinguished yourself in a debate competition, highlight these achievements. They show your perseverance and your ability to excel in demanding fields;
  • Language skills: Mastering French or another foreign language is an asset for your academic career. Highlight these skills because they demonstrate your adaptability and preparation to succeed in a multicultural study environment.

Presenting your successes and skills in a balanced manner allows you to put together a solid and remarkable file. This increases your chances of obtaining a scholarship in France.

Engage in extracurricular and community activities to maximize your chances of obtaining a scholarship in France

Beyond the walls of the classroom, your involvement in extracurricular and community activities can help you obtain a scholarship in France. Here’s how you can highlight this important aspect of your profile:

Extracurricular activities

When you prepare to obtain a scholarship in France, your activities outside of class reflect your personal development and your contribution to society.

  • Sports: If you are a member of a football team, swimming team, or any other sport, mention it. Sports skills demonstrate your team spirit, discipline, and perseverance.
  • Arts: If you are a member of a theater group or a music club, or if you participate in any other artistic activity, highlight these talents. They reflect your creativity and passion.
  • Volunteering and community action: If you wish to obtain a scholarship in France, highlight your commitment to the well-being of the community. This is very much appreciated. Likewise, organizing clean-up campaigns, awareness campaigns or other local initiatives demonstrates your leadership and dedication to your people.
  • Charities: Helping out at an orphanage, food bank, or other charitable organization shows your empathy and desire to make a difference.

These commitments not only diversify your profile, they also show that you are a balanced, involved person and ready to make a significant contribution as a student and citizen.


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