HomeJobs10 tips for landing interviews and finding a job

10 tips for landing interviews and finding a job

With your diploma in hand, has the time come for you to look for your first job? A step often perceived as difficult by young graduates. To increase your chances of getting an interview and therefore finding an employer, you need to establish a search strategy and increase the number of avenues of research. Discover the 10 tips from Approach People Recruitment, a firm specializing in European mobility, to catch the eye of recruiters in France and internationally.

Tip 1 Diversify channels when searching

To identify the job of your dreams, you should not rely on the same job search method. By relying on different channels, that is to say, different job sites, the candidate can find a diversity of offers adapted to his profile and his expectations.

When looking to move abroad, you should think outside the box when looking for a job, even more so than when searching in your region. The professional network, former colleagues, or even word of mouth are also channels that should not be neglected because they can be very effective.

Tip 2 take care of your online presence

By having an up-to-date LinkedIn profile, the candidate will be able to more easily attract internal recruiters such as recruitment firms. This professional social network is essential in France and elsewhere, whatever the position and sector of activity.

In addition, a LinkedIn feature allows you to signal to recruiters that you are listening to the market while remaining confidential with your current employer.

Tip 3 put job alerts on different job boards

To make your search easier, nothing better than setting up alerts on the different job sites with keywords and search criteria to save time and quickly view interesting offers. In a job search, the objective is to be as responsive as possible as soon as a job offer is published.

Tips 4 Be visible on job search sites

In addition to alerts, submitting your CV to CV libraries to stand out to recruiters or to be identified by hunters is essential. Contacting agencies to be referenced and offered open positions allows you to position yourself on opportunities that are less visible to other candidates.

Tip 5 open your search criteria

If you’re having trouble finding work, opening your search criteria can be a solution. Considering a position further from your initial search area, outside your region or country, or a position with a lower advertised fixed salary, but which offers better working conditions or a better prospect of advancement, is an option. not to neglect.

Tip 6 Be open to English-speaking recruiters

Whether you are looking in France in an international company or abroad, having a CV in English or the local language allows you to stand out.

Different from the French format, an English CV does not have a photo but details your experiences in more detail, even if it means taking up more than one page.

Tip 7 Be responsive during interviews

Making yourself available for job interviews shows the recruiter your motivation and helps you avoid being overtaken by another candidate.

Tip 8 Prepare well for interviews

It is by finding out as much as possible about the company, the position, or the culture of your interlocutor that you can avoid potential pitfalls. Taking care of your verbal and non-verbal communication (dress, attitude, etc.) is also important during the job interview.

Tip 9 know how to put yourself forward

Knowing yourself well, your strengths and your areas for improvement represent an advantage in the eyes of recruiters. The candidate will be able to seduce the recruiter face to face while knowing what they will have to work on to reassure them.

Tip 10 know your value on the job market

Every year, salary studies are released and allow us to know the latest trends in salaries so as not to overestimate the remuneration requested at the risk of being excluded from the recruitment process.

This knowledge also allows you not to deprive yourself by asking for too low a salary. You must also be aware that salary is only one of the components of an employee’s remuneration, but that there are also numerous benefits: company car, company apartment, restaurant vouchers, gym. .. or variable benefits.


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